Thursday, July 29, 2010

Post Op

     It has been a couple of weeks since my surgery.  The doctor says I am doing good and that both incisions are looking well.  The one under my arm does have a small amount of fluid build up but should clear up on its own.  All the pathologies on my lymph nodes came back negative, but....!  When Dr. Flanagan was removing the tumor in my breast he saw 2 very small nodules that just didn't look right to him.  (these had not shown up on the mammogram or ultrasound).    He made the decision to go ahead and remove them even though it wasn't part of the scheduled surgery.  Thank God he did make that decision!!!!!!  Both were sent off with one coming back fine, the other showed positive for cancer and that it was a different form of cancer than my original tumor.  Of course from that point on it might as well have been the Charlie Brown school teacher talking. Anyway, we are praying that all was removed and that the radiation will take care of anything that might possibly been left behind.  
       I go back to the surgeon on August 11th and also have an appointment with the Radiologist Oncologist on the 11th.  So I will find out what's next on the agenda then.
      Thanks again for all your prayers.  What a journey this has been so far!
