Sunday, August 15, 2010

What's new with me.

       I have really been a slacker when it comes to posting to my blog.  Things have been going along pretty good.  I have begun to feel human again which is very nice!  So here is the latest news on me.
       On the 2nd I had  an appointment with my lung doctor.  This has nothing to do with the cancer but with my pulmonary fibrosis that I already had.  My echo cardiogram was good, no sign of pulmonary hypertension.  My pulmonary function tests though weren't as good as they were in February.  My lung capacity had diminished some.  I am still in the mild range so that is good.  We are hoping that it is just some weakness from chemo and surgery and not damage caused from the chemo.  I go back in February so keep your fingers crossed.
        Last week I saw the radiologist/oncologist and received all my markings and tattoos to begin radiation.  I start my radiation treatments tomorrow.  I will go Monday through Friday for 6 weeks.  The drive will definitely get tiring, but I'm ready to get this over with, then I will be done!!!
        This has been quite a journey for me, something I never planned on doing.  I'm grateful to be seeing a slight light at the end of the tunnel.  I'm ready to have my life back!
        I hope everyone has a blessed week!
